Monday, August 6, 2007

Registration Process Preview for NCLEX

1. Submit an application for licensure to the board of nursing where you wish to be licensed.

2. Meet all of the board of nursing’s eligibility requirements to take the NCLEX examination.

3. Register for the NCLEX Examination with Pearson VUE.

4. Receive Confirmation of Registration from Pearson VUE.

5. The board of nursing makes the candidate eligible to take the NCLEX.

6. Receive Authorization to Test (ATT) from Pearson VUE.

If you choose to provide an e-mail address at the time you register for the NCLEX examination (whether by mail, telephone, or via the internet), please note that all of your correspondence from Pearson VUE will arrive ONLY by e-mail. If you do not provide an e-mail address when you register, your correspondence from Pearson VUE will arrive ONLY through U.S. mail.
If more than two weeks have passed after you have submitted a registration for an NCLEX examination and received confirmation from Pearson VUE, and you have not received an ATT, please call Pearson VUE at the appropriate number listed on the inside front cover.


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Myk said...
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